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Arduino Innovation Project

Download the handbook of the class :

This project aims to place students as designer of a full and complex system that collects, treats and manipulate data. For this purpose, students will work with the educational ARDUINO toolkit that contains a programmable microprocessor adaptable and compatible with many sensors and technologies. Students should innovate and defend a prototype of application based on ​​this toolkit. The main objective of this project is to develop computer science, electronical but also innovation and adaptability skills of our students.

Program of the class:

  • First laboratory class, basic of electronics – 2 hours

  • Second laboratory class, connecting a mobile application to your Arduino board – 2 hours

  • Design your own project – 11 hours

Important links :

Reference book

Massimo Banzi (2013). Démarrez avec Arduino - 2e édition: Principes de base et premiers montages, Dunod; Édition : 2e édition (2 octobre 2013)

Erik Bartmann (2014). Le grand livre d'Arduino, Eyrolles

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